Apr 22, 2007, 09:25 AM // 09:25
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Profession: Mo/E
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
So how is it that repetitive, casual farming considered less grinding than exploring an area with a party? That is truely a misnomer if I ever did see one. You don't have to clear the whole thing, heck, consider actually questing, you get rewards for that, too. Just about everything you do in GW gives you rewards, the only real complaint is that the rewards aren't high enough, and thus causes people to want to farm.
I feel that the average Joe player should be in the spotlight, with extra rewards for team play. Do you honestly think that copy-pasting a build and mindlessly smacking the keyboard for hours on end gives you every right to have more money than "average Joe" non-farmer who just logs in to have fun with his buddies, explore and quest around, etc for the same amount of time? Why should anyone have to be subjected to mindless grind just to "keep up with the Jones's"?
By not eliminating farming, they allow players to choose what they want to do with their time - fantastic. By eliminating the need for farming just to get some of the nicer things (including more necessities like skills), they give everyone more time to do what they want - incredible!
An old argument farmers used to use to excuse what they do is boredom. There simply wasn't anything left for them to do but grind for more crap. Enter Hard Mode. The answer to every farmers wish except that seemingly innate need to farm. That part always confuddles me.
Before you had to kill 20 trolls for 1K
Now you have to kill 160 monsters for that same 1K (20*8)
How is it repetitive? You do the math Questing isn't as profitable at all. Doing all missions and LOADS of quests 16 times, only netted me about 300K. It of course would be more, but I also had to buy 16 1,5K armors, over a 25 weapons for my characters, about 480 perfect weapons for my heroes, runes, over a 128 skills... In other words, the basic needed stuff.
It's true, you don;t HAVE to clear the whole area, but if you don't kill lotsa monsters, you don't get lotsa cash either. The lack of rewards causes farmers WANT to farm, and it causes casual gamers NEED to farm.
Extra rewards for team play would've been a very good idea. If being in a team would be more rewarding than solo farming, then everyone would just team up. At this moment, non of the 2 is rewarding. I've vanquished about 4 areas now, and I've yet to see a good drop. (non- max damage golds with as the only stat 'Highly Salvagable' is NOT my idea of a good drop, btw)
Nobody needs to keep up with the expert farmers, nobody forces you to. Nobody needs luxury, either. If you want it for the skin, then check the wikipedia site for pictures of greens. If you want a Crystalline Sword, then you're out of luck, because even most expert hardcore farmers can't afford these.
They just killed farming, not the need for farming. If there were keyless chests again, skills that could be trade in for skillpoints only, and free max damage weapons for heroes, the need for farming would decrease DRASTICALLY.
How is hard mode the farmer's wish? I never wished for getting killed by 1 Hand of Torment. I never wished for monsters that one-hit-KO me, either. That wouldn't be much of a problem alone, but hard mode somehow does not inspire me to take my 16 characters through the whole storyline AGAIN.
Farmers farmed out of boredom, so with the cash, they could do chest runs, buy new skills and titles etc. It's not the farming, it's the reward.
Apr 22, 2007, 11:40 AM // 11:40
Pre-Searing Cadet
I'm one of those casual farming people. I started playing the game around october 2005, when money sinks, keys for chests, 1k skills and drop rate nerf where already in place, so I really never had the chance to get rich quickly like the first 3-months-after-release players did. The first time I farmed was around droknar's forge, and that was because I had no money to buy the basic 1.5k armor. I did not rush through the game, played every mission and did every quest, played always with max people permitted by the map. That was, and is still the problem with the game: playing it the "regular" way won't guarantee you the cash to buy basic stuff, like maxed armor, and most importantly skills. I'm not talking about 15k armor or other luxuries, I'm talking about really basic stuff. So as I said I relied on farming to buy runes, skills, and after that insignas and other stuff for my heroes. I didn't like farming, it was boring after a couple of runs, but since it was the only way to get some money I did it.
Every change arenanet made to the pve environment to stop botting was, in my opinion, ineffective and detrimental for the gameplay. Making enemies scatter from aoe damage over time didn't make the game more challenging, it made it slower, boring and actually easier for casters, since they could bring a cheap aoeot skill as a life saver.
About this last change, loot scaling with party size, this one is probably the better and more effective anet made to the game system so far, regarding how to stop bot activity. But the problem remains, the loot for parties is ridicolously low. In the current state of the game, all the money sinks introduced to reduce the amount of currency in the game remain, but the there is no more way for the casual or semi casual player to get some money to buy stuff. The only viable type of farming that remains is ecto farming, since the drop rate of gold items or green is still so low. About hard mode, I didn't find the loot to be adequate to the challenge; after clearing the whole sulfurous wastes, i got stuff for about 5k, no golds, 1 standard skill tome, and that was for a 1.5 hour cleaning of an area full of 26+ level foes (more than 250).
So here are my suggestions:
1) increase both quantity and quality of loot for parties, like 2x the current values for normal and 4x for hard mode, and make it decrease exponentially, so the loot for soloers remains the same that it is now.
2) remove the money requirement for skills: it's both detrimental to the game play since it punishes diversity and contrary to the philosophy of the game for the same reason; this kind of money sink is really not needed
3) give players better rewards for questing and missions (like 5k for master level, not 500g), so players are encouraged to play the game if they want to get money
4) make elite areas accessible only to characters that completed the campaign (uw and fow for any, urgoz and deep for faction, sf for prophecies) like doa is: this will revitalize high end areas, giving people better chances to find groups.
In my opinion, as the game is now the new or casual player is bound to poverty. Instead of twisting the gameplay to counter bots and soloers inflating the economy, why not remove the need for farming, at least for normal stuff?
Apr 22, 2007, 11:55 AM // 11:55
Grotto Attendant
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: North Kryta Province
Guild: Angel Sharks [As]
Originally Posted by explodemyheart
Since anybody can mindlessly mash buttons, I'd say that it's not unfair that the person who chooses to spend the time solo farming gets the reward for choosing to do so because person 2 can do what person 1 is doing.
Of course this is not the real world, but the same concept still applies. If someone takes the time to work hard, they want to (and should be able to) reap the rewards. After all, the person who does not solo farm chooses not to, for whatever reason.
No, you are completely missing my point. This is a game. A game is (and should be) designed to be fun, not tedious, nor should it be considered work. Again, if farming is what you consider fun, guess what, you can still farm, thus your fun isn't "nerfed" in the least.
Look, if you want to compare this to real life, you need to look at the rewards, not the example itself. In real life, the reward is money, which measures your success and sustains yours and your family's well being. In a game, the reward, and likewise the objective is ultimately fun. People play games to entertain themselves, occupy spare time, challenge themselves, etc, all with the end goal of simple, unadulterated, fun.
Anet seems to be trying to cater to this [for some reason] un heard-of factor, the "fun" game. They are trying to make sure that everyone can acquire everything reasonably, by simply playing the game and having fun. They are also trying to make sure that everyone's idea of fun is not hindered in any way.
Now onto the virtual income aspect:
It's a very good possibility, and I'm conceeding that this may be fact, that no, you cannot make nearly as much money solo farming now as you used to, and that simply adventuring in Hard Mode with a group will not net you as much as solo farming used to, either. However, it is very likely that now both groups of people, the solo farmer, and the Hard Mode quester/adventurer, can make equivalent amounts of money in the same timeframe. If this is the case, I have no problems with it. However, this possibly being the case, seems to be the biggest bone of contention.
Here's a question for you: Are you simply upset about this change because, and only because you're now getting less money when farming? Is that all there is to it? If so, consider this: You have a set amount of income you consider "acceptable" when you farm. This amount was only derived from set parameters that were given by the devs, ie. droprates, and mob configurations. You could use this complaint of less loot to prove the reverse, that there was never enough loot, and there should be more. 12k/hr could easily be seen as waaaay too low, despite the "work" involved, and a request by the farming community to raise that income to 10x the amount could be just as reasonable, if, and only if, this nerf is also reasonable.
My point is, this pre-defined farming income, which was although coded by Anet, really created by the community, is the only thing taking a hit by this update. Everything else, including how the income is farmed (AI downgrade), other means of income (Hard Mode), and even access to otherwise semi-locked income (FoW/UW & Elite Areas scrolls), got a big boost - which is why I said this update was the answer to every farmer's wish, but only if the end goal of the farmer was the reward, as reetkever claims.
Though, I disagree, with that last statement. It seems that with most "dedicated" farmers, the end goal is the hours upon hours of mindless grind, only to be able to tell everyone "Hey, I grinded mindlessly for hours upon hours!", then go back and do it some more. Perhaps the dedicated farmer is just a work-a-holic, who only plays games when they can work on them.
Apr 22, 2007, 11:58 AM // 11:58
Academy Page
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: UK
Guild: PINK
Profession: W/R
Originally Posted by Gaile
Farming is ok with us, no problem at all, but we did not intend that farming would be "required," or that only farmers would be able to obtain the coolest items.
Then what's the deal with obsidian armour, and titles such as drunkard or treasure hunter..? As it stands with the past "inflation" these required a lot of farming to afford (unless you played for an insane amount of time in a group), and now they will be even harder to get..?
Also still no comment on the concerns people have raised about bots throughout this thread...? i.e. why measures aren't being taken specifically to target bots rather than affecting the community as a whole with an update, and why we still see dozens of them in certain places.
Apr 22, 2007, 12:22 PM // 12:22
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: LIFE
Profession: W/Mo
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Who am I?
What do I do?
I am the person who reads these forums daily. Who puts up with the name calling and the insults and the questions of my worth to try to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, relay matters of import to the designers, and share their wisdom, insight, reasoning, and updates with you.
I am a member of the design team, a member of the company that made the game that you play.
I am a human being, with a passion for my job, a caring for other people, and a real interest in communicating and helping out.
And I have now left the building.
If anyone wonders why, just read this thread.
NP but to let u know If this is not sorted i will not be obtaining eye of the north and guildwars two as i planned and will also be leaving the building for good evan though i had invested in the other 3 campains and all time i spent playing the over the yrs!! the fun has now gone. the loot scaling does not work how u say it does.. I've wasted 15k in uw runs over past 24hrs and received zip for my time and effort,and im not the only one. lots of my friends and ppl in town talking same way, you feel hurt from ppl flaming you/Anet? sit back and think why they are they flamming you/Anet!! this is not a problem that is not going to just fade out with sugar coating and time!!!simply stop hurting the honest paying player and invest in anti cheat coding!!! also why not take a note from EPIC who forced hosting sites of cheat softwear to close with threats of big law suits,worked very nice for them.
Apr 22, 2007, 02:09 PM // 14:09
Lion's Arch Merchant
Originally Posted by Mandarista
And you have officially lost any respect I had for you personally for abandoning your position as "voice of the players" and becoming a lap dog filled with nothing but excuses for ANets terrible decisions.
You can post your opinions and discuss the effects of the nerf with Gaile, but resorting to name calling is uncalled for. If you have to resort to that then I am sorry that even if ,suppose that I agree with what you said before that phrase, I and many people would be less inclined to try and see your point, since you lose credibility in my view by resorting to a cheap shot, and is COMPLETELY UNCALLED for. Afterall, Gaile could have ignored the rants completely, but she chose to listen and discuss with us. So, treat her with respect plz even if your point of view differs.
She is doing all she can for the players, and all she get is insult like "lapdog"? You..Sir/Madam is an inconsiderate prick (I would use bigger words, but I am unfortunately sure that it will get deleted, so I will have to settle for that one.)
You have to realise that it is the Devs that makes the decision. She, Gaile Gray, is only there to relay information. She can only get information for us (and information that she is not suppose or the devs did not intend to give at first if i may add). She has no decision in what the devs decides, she can only relay our feelings, so (bring input in the discussion, but) keep your insults for yourself! She is doing exactly what is expected of her, if not more than was required!
ps. I dun't think that you would like to be called a lapdog either...
Last edited by boko; Apr 22, 2007 at 04:11 PM // 16:11..
Apr 22, 2007, 02:12 PM // 14:12
Desert Nomad
High end PvE content in GuildWars always sucked.
Playing time and again the same chapters gets boring.
Its a pain to have to bring my mesmer from elona to Perdition rock to capture signet of midnight.
It seems anet find it too, since they 1) Introduced skill tomes; 2) cancelled more chapters for gw.
Titles is the same griding experience than farming.
Getting a protector title is the same as farming to buy an obsidian armor or being able to get (either by dropping or trading for it) that perfect rare skin weapon you wish.
They introduced a few more titles, to force people to go hardmode and revisit areas ppl wouldnt go anymore.
Once the ppl acquire the new titles, they wont retun to those areas the same.
In Pve im/was currently working on 2 objectives: Getting an obsidian armor for my monk and making a legendary survivor of my ele.
Both require farming. A legendary survivor requires good armor soon, stuff like at least a major vit run and some good weapons/shields/off-hands with +30hp/+armor help alot.
Money for skills helps it alot.
I have to say farming bots never were a concern for me, cause I never need them or to get stuff from them.
Now they are making an impact on my game, because the powers that would be decided that the best way to deal with them is making gameplay changes.
Threats. TT. I dont see any Threats.
Its just people expressing their opinions.
Ofcourse each time a change is made people will complain and some will actually have enough of it and call it a day.
But changes like AoE and Soul reaping, are mechanics changes.
This a change on the game philosophy.
Its like after one guy spent 100 hours wall hugging to get its pathfinder title, they removed it.
Or like you logged one day and random arenas werent there anymore.
If you dont want farm, make partie play more rewarding, because its not. Farming may be boring, but at least you see the rewards. When you play in a team, waste 2 hours on it, and the 3 gold drops and the 2 rare material items go to other partie members, you see no reward, only frustation, even though, once in a while you will be the one lucky. But the point of solo farming, was that you always would be the lucky one.
In a way Anet is lucky theres no monthly fee (wich I admit was an Ace that made pursuit GuildWars instead of WoW, since I never had played a MMoRPG, and didnt knew if the style of the game was what I wanted, since I was mostly a RTS gamer), because the things you perceive as a threat would be much more visible with a subscription cancel, than with a future no buy of GWEN.
Apr 22, 2007, 02:24 PM // 14:24
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Profession: E/
Originally Posted by tenebreoscure
About hard mode, I didn't find the loot to be adequate to the challenge; after clearing the whole sulfurous wastes, i got stuff for about 5k, no golds, 1 standard skill tome, and that was for a 1.5 hour cleaning of an area full of 26+ level foes (more than 250).
I agree with this. I didn't expect every other monster to drop gold items, but I found that the drop rate was worse than normal mode. I've spent about 6 hours in hard mode since it was released, and I'm not sure I've even found a single gold from a monster, maybe 1. Plenty of purples, but as we all know, they're worth only what you can merch them for. I still have yet to find a tome from a monster, in fact I've been asking my guild for verification if they do indeed drop. The only one I've found is from a locked chest. No, I'm not whining, I'm just echoing the suggestion that if the monsters are harder, it doesn't make alot of sense that the golds seem to drop less.
Apr 22, 2007, 02:25 PM // 14:25
Krytan Explorer
With all due respect to frustrated persons in this forum, i think that this update is just fine. I was dualing UW today, first on hard.... 1 ecto droped, we got killed, started again on normal, did whole UW and got 5 ecto. I think thats the way it should be. And now people can finaly leave alone that poor trolls, vermin and Zelnehlun Fastoot ( btw i can't beleave that he isnt nerfed yet, since now even that NPC kids in Kamadan know how to glitch-farm him) Now people will have to put more effort and show more skill if they want money. But it doesnt take more time, as some of you complain. It does take more time if you are gonna kill mobs for stupid merchant food items. But if you want to REALY make money, you can, just like before. Every profession can farm UW or FoW, and they aren't nerfed, you still get ecto/shards as before... GG Anet, put end to bots, noobs, and ppl with no skill that want gold as it is somehow granted to them. Just put in an auction house and we all will be happy x 10
Last edited by 6am3 Fana71c; Apr 22, 2007 at 02:30 PM // 14:30..
Apr 22, 2007, 02:29 PM // 14:29
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Profession: Mo/E
Originally Posted by GodofAcid
I agree with this. I didn't expect every other monster to drop gold items, but I found that the drop rate was worse than normal mode. I've spent about 6 hours in hard mode since it was released, and I'm not sure I've even found a single gold from a monster, maybe 1. Plenty of purples, but as we all know, they're worth only what you can merch them for. I still have yet to find a tome from a monster, in fact I've been asking my guild for verification if they do indeed drop. The only one I've found is from a locked chest. No, I'm not whining, I'm just echoing the suggestion that if the monsters are harder, it doesn't make alot of sense that the golds seem to drop less.
The gold doesn't drop less, it's just your heroes/henchies (or imaginary companions, if you're playing with less than 8) taking the drops Be happy for em will ye? :P
Apr 22, 2007, 02:41 PM // 14:41
Jungle Guide
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Hot as hell Florida
Guild: [Wckd]
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Well, I'm big enough (just barely hehe) to apologize to Gaile for my comments. I can't speak for others, but I will say the constant condescension and the "we know better" attitude is what set me off.
But I realize that GW is ANet's game, not ours, and they can do what they want with it. That being said, they would be wise to listen to the players who made their 3 million sales figure, but what do I know?
Anyways, my non-moaning thoughts on how to improve the system:
1. Botting. Its the main reason seemingly for these nerfs, and as many have pointed out, the nerfs only serve to make botting MORE attractive and lucrative than previously. A simple solution is two fold, restore the loot tables to pre-nerf, then scale UP by double or triple the drops for full 8 person parties. This way, the solo and small team farmers are happy, and casual players who hate farming see a two or threefold increase in wealth, making expensive stuff more in reach and less reason to ebay gold. A third option would be to introduce an entry system similar to the Doppleganger in Ascension for known [edit] botting areas.
This would be in line with ANet's non-anti-farming policy, and make everybody happy.
2. Auction house/interface. Very simply create a window similar to Party Search that has options similar to GWGuru's auction listing system. SO a player who wants to sell a Dead Sword of Enchanting can list it in appropriate categories through the in-game window, then "post" it for view by other players. Prospective buyers can look through the window, sorting by various categories, and once found, can whisper the seller and negotiations can begin. Keeps WTS spam out of chat, once people see how efficient it is, and from what I've seen of the interface, all that is needed is already there.
3. Expanded token system. The reason to farm was to amass enough wealth to purchase rare skins, both armor and weapons. If ANet wants to encourage party play and mission/questing, then why not give tokens similar to the amulet of the mists or book of secrets to players who acheive, say a Protector title? Or other titles deemed appropriate. They could then trade in this token for a piece of armor of their choosing. I've always thought it highly hypocritical that to get 5k armor, you need 32 jewels, only 3 of which you can acquire through questing (via trade contracts) and that's IF you complete every single quest in the Vabbi area.
4. Make insignia prices static. It makes no sense that Tyrian and Canthan characters can get a pair of Bloodstained boots for 1.5k, wherea NF characters must pay 10k. Runes can stay as they are, since the original two campaigns did not include them as standard.
If the loot is scaled back to normal plus extra for full parties, and my other suggestions are implemented, you'll see a price drop across the board for rare items, and new and casual players will find that they don't have to save every last bit of gold to get one piece of 15k Sunspear, not to mention dropping 9k on a Bloodstained insignia. Instead, they can have more fun, and get REAL rewards for acheiving titles, making it an actual incentive to play with people, rather than PUNISHING those who don't group.
Positive reward that doesn't hurt anyone and eliminates botting more effectively vs.
Negative reinforcement alienating players and making botting more valuable.
Hard to believe ANet, in their grand vision and wisdom for some reason keep choosing the second option.
[edit] I will say that one of my favorite things to do is warping into a mob and WTFBBQPWNZORING them, as they've done to me so many times. That being said, the enjoyment is severely lessened if I know ahead of time that the mobs are hiding all their wealth because the mindless beasts don't think its appropriate....
Last edited by Kaleban; Apr 22, 2007 at 03:24 PM // 15:24..
Apr 22, 2007, 02:44 PM // 14:44
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Profession: Mo/E
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
With all due respect to frustrated persons in this forum, i think that this update is just fine. I was dualing UW today, first on hard.... 1 ecto droped, we got killed, started again on normal, did whole UW and got 5 ecto. I think thats the way it should be. And now people can finaly leave alone that poor trolls, vermin and Zelnehlun Fastoot ( btw i can't beleave that he isnt nerfed yet, since now even that NPC kids in Kamadan know how to glitch-farm him) Now people will have to put more effort and show more skill if they want money. But it doesnt take more time, as some of you complain. It does take more time if you are gonna kill mobs for stupid merchant food items. But if you want to REALY make money, you can, just like before. Every profession can farm UW or FoW, and they aren't nerfed, you still get ecto/shards as before... GG Anet, put end to bots, noobs, and ppl with no skill that want gold as it is somehow granted to them. Just put in an auction house and we all will be happy x 10 ![Big Grin](../)
You mean casual gamers? Only expert farmers know how to farm Underworld. And why do something troublesome like farming Underworld for an hour, while you can just kill trolls and get the 1K you need in a matter of minutes? You seem to fail to understand that alot of casual players do NOT want to make real money. They just want enough so that they can buy the basic stuff. Now, the casual gamers got screwed, and are forced to do UW? (which they can;t cause they don't have enough cash for the armor, weapons, skills and entree costs, btw.)
Why do casual players have to show more skill and effort, if all they want is cash for the skills, hero weapons, 1,5K armor etc. People wouldn't need money as if it is granted to them, if the stuff around them wasn't so expensive. Especially with the heroes taking OUR drops, but still needing OUR money to be of any use.
And also, why decrease the amount of choices we have to make money? Why force everyone to do the same things? Every profession being able to farm FoW/UW, doesn't mean every player being able to. Just because people have less skill in UW/FoW, don't they deserve basic equipment?
(And don't come with the 'questing/missioning' gives you enough cash, cause that's not true. Back in my old days of being a newb, I had to grind 5 days in order to get a good weapon, and another week before I could buy my first armor. And now, with 16 professions having the game beaten, I wonder where all the cash is everyone seems to be getting? Ohh, could it be that I spent over a 5000K on just my character's and hero's equipment alone? Not to mention skills...)
And A-Net only made the situation better for bots: People don;'t want to farm endlessly to get the stuff they need (need, not want), so why not just buy from bots? Also, bots just get in party of 8 and don't lose any drops.
Apr 22, 2007, 03:35 PM // 15:35
Academy Page
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: UK
Guild: PINK
Profession: W/R
Regarding the "left the building" comment from Gaile; I think it's quite unfair the people who aren't being rude and genuinely want to discuss the update don't get a chance to now because a few immature members decided to get personal.
No disrespect, and I am not condoning the name-calling (I think it is completely immature and uncalled for), but sadly it is to be expected in your line of work as a public go-between for an online game... I hope the opinions and concerns of the more mature people here are still going to be addressed, it would be a shame if they fell on deaf ears now because of a few childish members.
Apr 22, 2007, 03:53 PM // 15:53
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Apr 2007
Guild: Clan Suiel
Profession: W/Mo
Originally Posted by Kaleban
Anyways, my non-moaning thoughts on how to improve the system:
1. Botting. Its the main reason seemingly for these nerfs, and as many have pointed out, the nerfs only serve to make botting MORE attractive and lucrative than previously. A simple solution is two fold, restore the loot tables to pre-nerf, then scale UP by double or triple the drops for full 8 person parties. This way, the solo and small team farmers are happy, and casual players who hate farming see a two or threefold increase in wealth, making expensive stuff more in reach and less reason to ebay gold. A third option would be to introduce an entry system similar to the Doppleganger in Ascension for known [edit] botting areas.
This would be in line with ANet's non-anti-farming policy, and make everybody happy.
2. Auction house/interface. Very simply create a window similar to Party Search that has options similar to GWGuru's auction listing system. SO a player who wants to sell a Dead Sword of Enchanting can list it in appropriate categories through the in-game window, then "post" it for view by other players. Prospective buyers can look through the window, sorting by various categories, and once found, can whisper the seller and negotiations can begin. Keeps WTS spam out of chat, once people see how efficient it is, and from what I've seen of the interface, all that is needed is already there.
3. Expanded token system. The reason to farm was to amass enough wealth to purchase rare skins, both armor and weapons. If ANet wants to encourage party play and mission/questing, then why not give tokens similar to the amulet of the mists or book of secrets to players who acheive, say a Protector title? Or other titles deemed appropriate. They could then trade in this token for a piece of armor of their choosing. I've always thought it highly hypocritical that to get 5k armor, you need 32 jewels, only 3 of which you can acquire through questing (via trade contracts) and that's IF you complete every single quest in the Vabbi area.
4. Make insignia prices static. It makes no sense that Tyrian and Canthan characters can get a pair of Bloodstained boots for 1.5k, wherea NF characters must pay 10k. Runes can stay as they are, since the original two campaigns did not include them as standard.
If the loot is scaled back to normal plus extra for full parties, and my other suggestions are implemented, you'll see a price drop across the board for rare items, and new and casual players will find that they don't have to save every last bit of gold to get one piece of 15k Sunspear, not to mention dropping 9k on a Bloodstained insignia. Instead, they can have more fun, and get REAL rewards for acheiving titles, making it an actual incentive to play with people, rather than PUNISHING those who don't group.
Positive reward that doesn't hurt anyone and eliminates botting more effectively vs.
Negative reinforcement alienating players and making botting more valuable.
I'd like to see these point addressed by Gaile / ANet as well, as if there is a problem, surely it is in ANet's interest to deal with it without alienating any of their customers if they can.
Apr 22, 2007, 03:59 PM // 15:59
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Top Rating Loss Guild 5/25
Guild: Maybe.. I don't really know.
Profession: R/
I'll just lay this out straight.
Try farming, it still works fine.
Most of you overreact way to much. Grow up guys.
Apr 22, 2007, 04:13 PM // 16:13
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: The Netherlands
Guild: Red Lightning Brigade
Profession: E/Mo
Took me 5 minutes work(!!), no kidding.
Now what morron claimed solo farming sucks these days? :P
PS: As you can see by the items, I solo farm in tyria, in hard mode.
GJ being ignorant of the whole issue.
The complaint is its been nerfed in NORMAL mode, where most people play.
We already know they increased drops of golds in hard mode, too bad that most people didn't go farming vermin and trolls for gold items.
Did you really need to make a new thread? Just to show your ignorance? -Kaleban
There is no point in farming when you suck at guild wars or don't invest time in it.
If you invest time in guild wars and don't suck at it, you will finish a chapter and you can start making real money. I understand the problem and I'm not trying to be ignorant, but why complain when there is a good alternative to normal mode farming ![Wink](../Img/wink.gif)
Also, some other people seem to have read your 'post'
Here is a random responce:
GJ being ignorant of the whole issue.
The complaint is its been nerfed in NORMAL mode, where most people play.
We already know they increased drops of golds in hard mode, too bad that most people didn't go farming vermin and trolls for gold items.
Did you really need to make a new thread? Just to show your ignorance?
Great job on being retarded.
No really.
Last edited by silvershock; Apr 22, 2007 at 04:20 PM // 16:20..
Apr 22, 2007, 04:14 PM // 16:14
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: LIFE
Profession: W/Mo
Originally Posted by Elnai
I'll just lay this out straight.
Try farming, it still works fine.
Most of you overreact way to much. Grow up guys.
U JOKING RIGNT ? have u tryed farming your self ? its far from fine just read all the posts!!
EDIT: AS FOR POST ABOVE! not every 1 wants to farm hard mode!! also new player cant farm hard mode.
Last edited by DarkLight OCA; Apr 22, 2007 at 04:17 PM // 16:17..
Apr 22, 2007, 04:19 PM // 16:19
Lion's Arch Merchant
Originally Posted by DarkLight OCA
U JOKING RIGNT ? have u tryed farming your self ? its far from fine just read all the posts!!
EDIT: AS FOR POST ABOVE! not every 1 wants to farm/plat hard mode!! also new player cant farm hard mode.
He's right. If anything, farming is much better and easier now. But lets not let facts get in the way of kids finding something to create a drama over. Chances are, most of the ones complaining haven't actually bothered trying to farm anything since the last update, and instead read the initial update notes, over reacted, and started whining.
Apr 22, 2007, 04:20 PM // 16:20
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Top Rating Loss Guild 5/25
Guild: Maybe.. I don't really know.
Profession: R/
Originally Posted by DarkLight OCA
U JOKING RIGNT ? have u tryed farming your self ? its far from fine just read all the posts!!
EDIT: AS FOR POST ABOVE! not every 1 wants to farm hard mode!! also new player cant farm hard mode.
NO IM NOT JOKING! I've farmed in both normal and hard mode. Its far from bad, in fact, its alot better. All my old farming spots have net me alot more(and better) drops than i've ever gotten.
And if you honestly believe that all the artards posting and crying about the "nerf" have actually TRIED farming, well....i don't want to go into personal attacks...
You have to understand, if one person crys foul, a lot of people like to do the same, before they even know if its true or not.
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